800m world record high school

As of June 21, 2011, 23 world records have been ratified by the IAAF in the event. The first world record in the men's 800 metres was recognized by the International Association of Athletics Federations in 1912. The first world record in the men's 800 metres was recognized by the International Association of Athletics Federations in 1912.[1]. The shortest middle-distance event is run over two laps of a 400m track. The first world record in the women's 800 metres was recognized by the Fédération Sportive Féminine Internationale (FSFI) in 1922. © 2020 陸上競技のトレーニング&記録のブログ All rights reserved. 【TEPPEN2020のベンチプレス】出場者のマックス挙上重量を推定。【自分の体重を何キロ挙げられるか→MAX換算】. Daegu 2011", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=800_metres_world_record_progression&oldid=966429498, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 7 July 2020, at 02:09. Berlin 2009", "IAAF World Championships: IAAF Statistics Handbook. [1] Hence, Sebastian Coe's record at 1:42.4 was rendered as 1:42.33 from that year. As of June 21, 2009, the IAAF (and the FSFI before it) have ratified 29 world records in the event. As of June 21, 2011, 23 world records have been ratified by the IAAF in the event. World Championships - who to watch and when Rudisha said earlier this week he was "excited" to return to London, where he set the 800m world record of one minute 40.91 seconds five years ago. Outdoor times for track races between 200 meters to 10,000 meters are set on 400-meter unbanked tracks. The ice-cool Kenyan-born Dane won three world titles and broke Seb Coe’s 16-year-old world record in 1997, running 1:41.24 in Zurich. Athletes make standing starts from staggered positions and run in lanes until the end of the first bend, which is when they can break for the inside. [2] "y" denotes time for 880 yards (804.68 m) ratified as a record for the 800 m. (+) - indicates en route time from longer race. World Athletics (formerly IAAF) maintains an official list for such performances, but … 800m走は陸上中距離走に部類される距離です。 短距離走とはいかないまでもそれに準ずる速いペースをゴールまで維持し続けなければならないので陸上競技トラック種目の中では最も過酷だと言われています。その過酷さを表現してなのか「陸上の格闘技」、「トラックの格闘技」などとも呼 … [4] Hence, Nadezhda Olizarenko's record at 1:53.5 was rendered as 1:53.43 from that year. ©2019 World Athletics. The 800 metres is run over two laps of the track (400-metre track) and has been an Olympic event since the first games in 1896. It is the shortest common middle-distance running event. A men’s 800m has been held at every Olympic Games since 1896. African and Russian athletes have predominated in the women’s 800m. Obiri and McSweyn victorious in Doha as Wanda Diamond League draws to a close, Ortega leads meeting record spree in Marseille, Remembering Albert Hill’s Olympic double, on its 100th anniversary, Winning her battles off the track, Bisset’s rise continues on the track, Sharing their successes, Nakaayi and Nanyondo help put Uganda on the athletics map, Jimmy Watkins: running, rock 'n roll and The Ritz. Peltzer also broke the 1500-meter world record in 1926, becoming the first runner to hold the 800- and 1500-meter marks simultaneously. The "Time" column indicates the ratified mark; the "Auto" column indicates a fully automatic time that was also recorded in the event when hand-timed marks were used for official records, or which was the basis for the official mark, rounded to the 10th of a second, depending on the rules then in place. The following table shows the world record progression in the men's and women's 800 metres, officially ratified by the IAAF. Sera Martin of France lowered the standard to 1:50.6 in 1928, and then Great Britain’s Tommy Hampson and Canada’s Alex Wilson became the first runners to finish 800 meters in less than 1:50, at the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles. 800メートル競走(英語: 800 metres)は、800メートルを走るタイムを競う陸上競技のトラック種目で、中距離走に分類される。 概要 陸上トラックを2周する。スタート直後はセパレートゾーンを走り [1] 、1周目第2コーナーを抜けるとオープンレーンになる。 Later that year, in Cologne, he lowered the mark to 1:41.11. The 800 metres, or 800 meters (US spelling), is a common track running event. Icons Wilson Kipketer The ice-cool Kenyan-born Dane won three world titles and broke Seb Coe’s 16-year-old world record in 1997, running 1:41.24 in Zurich. Auto times to the hundredth of a second were accepted by the IAAF for events up to and including 10,000 m from 1981. Cuba's Alberto Juantorena, aka White Lightning, is the only man to win the Olympic 400m and 800m titles at the same Games, doing so at Montreal in 1976. [4] "y" denotes time for 880 yards (804.68 m) ratified as a record for the 800 m. Auto times to the hundredth of a second were accepted by the IAAF for events up to and including 10,000 m from 1981. Some of the records are maintained by USA Track & Field (USATF). Women first contested it at the 1928 Games, but it was dropped from the roster and reinstated in 1960. Under-18 World Best Performances in the sport of athletics are the best marks set in competition by athletes aged 17 or younger throughout the entire calendar year of the performance. Later that year, in … Races over the ‘middle distances’ took place in the Ancient Olympic Games and were revived in the middle of the 19th century. The following are the national records in track & field in the United States. [4] The FSFI was absorbed by the International Association of Athletics Federations in 1936. All Rights Reserved. European and African male athletes have shared success at the major championships of the past 20 years, although Kenyan athletes have won gold at the past two Olympics. 短距離走とはいかないまでもそれに準ずる速いペースをゴールまで維持し続けなければならないので陸上競技トラック種目の中では最も過酷だと言われています。その過酷さを表現してなのか「陸上の格闘技」、「トラックの格闘技」などとも呼ばれています。, 今回はそんな最も過酷なトラック競技である800m走の世界記録を男子、女子別に紹介していきます。, 男子はケニアのデイヴィッドレクタルディシャ選手がロンドンオリンピックの時に樹立した記録がトップとなっております。ケニアは長距離走の強い国ですが中距離走である800m走でもその強さは健在。やはり、持久力の要素の少しでもあるトラック種目には東アフリカが必ずランクインしてくるものです。, これはちょっと足の速い男子高校生レベルに相当します。考えただけで反吐が出そうな過酷さです。, 女子ではヤルミラクラトフビロバ選手の大記録ですが、かれこれ36年以上経った今でも破られておりません。800m走はヨーロッパで人気の高い競技種目ですが彼女の国籍であるチェコスロバキアもヨーロッパにあり、800m走大国の輝かしい記録です。, 800m53秒28は100mあたりのペースに換算すると平均14,16秒です。これは男子高校生の100m走平均タイム程度です。一番体力のある世代と言われる高校生でさえ100m全力疾走をするとバテてしまうというのに・・・バケモノとしか思えません。, やってみればその過酷さに驚くことでしょう。そして、自分のタイムと彼らのタイムを比較して、軽く2倍以上もの差がある事で初めて彼らの偉大さが分かるのです。, 女子の記録は36年以上経った今でも残り続けており、これは現存する陸上競技の世界記録の中でも最長です。, やり投げの世界記録は何メートル?男子・女子別に紹介!100m以上の選手も過去に存在した!?. The answer really varies by region and high school size, and what you mean by "decent". In an international career that spanned 20 years, the Mozambican athlete won three world titles and took Olympic gold (Mozambique’s first) in 2000. International Association of Athletics Federations, "12th IAAF World Championships In Athletics: IAAF Statistics Handbook.