decent work and economic growth problems

The EU’s unemployment situation has also improved following the economic recovery. Eurostat, Europe 2020 headline indicators.

Real GDP per capita (GDP adjusted for inflation) in the EU in 2019 reached EUR 27 990, which was 18.1 % higher than in 2004. The EU has increased its resource productivity by 29.6 % since 2003, reaching EUR 1.9 per kilogram in 2018. May 2019.

0000036604 00000 n The economic recovery in the EU over the past few years has been reflected in improved employment prospects. Table 1: Indicators measuring progress towards SDG 8, EU-27, Table 2: Explanation of symbols for indicating progress towards SD objectives and targets. Overall, the EU employment rate has exhibited a growing trend over the past 15 years (with some interruptions in the aftermath of the economic crisis): it has grown by 6.8 percentage points compared with 2004 and by 4.9 percentage points compared with 2014, reaching a record high of 73.1 % in 2019.

The EU economy has shown continuous growth over the past few years. International Labour Organisation webpage on ‘decent work and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development’. It can also be used to monitor economic development. 0000006329 00000 n Unemployment and long-term unemployment have decreased since 2014.

People of this age group were the hardest hit by the economic crisis and are still underrepresented in the job market, with only 51.5 % of 20- to 24-year-olds being employed in 2019, which is 1.3 percentage points below their pre-crisis level [8]. This growth is mainly attributable to an increase in business investment. They also taught us other skills like sharing with each other, talking about our problems, and negotiating solutions. 0000006940 00000 n H�\��n�0��M:@�� M ����=Ԏ���{>�ؤ���k'����'wj�f���6����U����[_�!Im��~��eߝ��,]����xwۦ?��$�>6ql��{��;�?���en�qM. The level of investment had experienced a setback during the economic crisis, which interrupted a period of steady growth observed between 2004 and 2007. Nevertheless, their employment perspectives remain precarious. In 2019, 2.8 % of the EU’s active population had been unemployed for a year or more, which is 2.7 percentage points less than at the peak of the long-term unemployment rate in 2014. With these targets in mind, the goal is to achieve full and productive employment, and decent work, for all women and men by 2030. This means that work should deliver fair income, workplace security and social protection, and allow flexibility of working arrangements and hours. SDG 8 is to: "Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all". This favourable development can be attributed to GDP growth accompanied by a 4.8 % decrease in DMC, which reflects such factors as the EU’s long-term shift towards a service economy, globalisation and increasing reliance on imports [3]. European Commission (2017), European Semester Thematic Factsheet: Women in the Labour Market.

0000085010 00000 n While the overall employment situation and working conditions have also improved, a gender gap in labour market participation persists, and the economic security of the working population still remains an issue.

0000002069 00000 n 2015 overview of policies, instruments, and targets in 32 countries, Study on modelling of the economic and environmental impacts of raw material consumption, Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2017, Employment and Social Developments in Europe, Annual review 2018,

y>�3�D�&�����T$xh(O6��]^:R�.�)���,� (��#�nq�df[���pJG�w�eZ�Fdc���{KS�1�L@�4�ginR9� ?jl�PtW�|:����R7Ϣ�*�[9N�ܐ�v�A�7�%ϋ��%&ٸR���O���p�Hyg�4i��]:¬2NB�4�h�I��Z��3%27�� ?k��ag[B�D^I#>� ��N��0���إ)�ЮV��_�2��� Z��Ҷ8x���•3�7�T��mS?l��!�Pd�rl�]-������1�h��@g�lp�h����!������T�F6��S������H Using natural resources more efficiently reduces pressure from production and consumption and increases an economy’s competitiveness. 0000028385 00000 n

Employment and Social Developments in Europe, Annual review 2019, More from less — material resource efficiency in Europe. Resource productivity, measured as GDP divided by domestic material consumption (DMC), monitors the relationship between what an economy produces and the physical materials it uses [2].

0000007730 00000 n

For the least developed countries, the economic target is to attain at least a 7 percent annual growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). 0000009039 00000 n Beyond material living standards, it can also lead to a deterioration of individual skills and health, thus hindering future employability, productivity and earnings. Decent work and economic growth in the EU: overview and key trends.

In 2017, the rate of fatal accidents at work amounted to 1.8 fatalities per 100 000 employed persons. 0000069177 00000 n

Over the past 25 years the number of workers living in extreme poverty has declined dramatically, despite the long-lasting impact of the economic crisis of 2008/2009.

OECD (2019), OECD Employment Outlook 2019: The Future of Work, OECD Publishing, Paris. Besides safety at work, fair income and social protection are other important components of decent work. Monitoring SDG 8 in an EU context looks into trends in the areas of sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work. A prerequisite for decent work is a safe and healthy working environment, without fatal accidents. This page has been accessed 11,068 times.

0000003723 00000 n Further reading on decent work and economic growth, Further data sources on decent work and economic growth, Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, Decent work and economic growth in the EU: overview and key trends.

However, low wages can also push some workers below the poverty line. Between 2004 and 2019, the NEET rate for 15- to 29-year-olds in the EU closely followed the economic cycle, improving from 15.6 % to 12.6 % over the period. Indeed, the past five years have seen a 6.8 % growth in the EU’s material consumption alongside the strong economic expansion reported above. European Commission (2017), Establishing a European Pillar of Social Rights, COM(2017) 250 final, Brussels. OECD (2019), OECD Economic Outlook, November 2019, OECD Publishing, Paris. 0000003111 00000 n In 2019, the total investment share of GDP in the EU was 22.4 %. As Table 1 shows, the EU has achieved some progress in terms of sustainable economic growth over …

In 2019, the unemployment rate stood at 6.7 %, which is a 4.2 percentage point improvement from 2014 [7].

Over the past 25 years the number of workers living in extreme poverty has declined dramatically, despite the lasting impact of the 2008 economic … 154 0 obj <> endobj xref ’Sustainable development in the European Union — Monitoring report - 2020 edition’, Young people not engaged in employment nor in education and training (NEET), All articles on sustainable development goals, After periods of decline and stagnation, the indicator has grown by 2.1 % on average per year since 2014. Decent employment for all — including women, people with disabilities, youth, the elderly and migrants — is a cornerstone of socio-economic development. Some of these materials are directly consumed by households, which means they are not used as an input to production activities.

However, as the global economy continues to recover we are seeing slower growth, widening inequalities and employment that is not expanding fast enough to keep up with the growing labour force. 0000052122 00000 n An integrated approach is crucial for progress across the multiple goals.