orion warhammer

Cuando las lunas se alinean durante el solsticio de verano, viste sobre sus hombros un bello manto tejido por su reina y se coloca ante él, de forma reverencial, el gran cuerno de la Cacería Salvaje; y, cuando la conjunción de los planetas es inminente, toma sus armas del altar del Roble Eterno.

Kurnous is the strongest voice of all, and the only one that can actively supplant the chosen one’s wishes.

[1a], The mood of the council was otherwise bleak, for it was apparent to all that they could not best the Dwarfs in battle.

En aquellas ocasiones en que Orion renace con un alma ensombrecida, sólo hay un consuelo, al igual que hay una enorme aflicción al final de esos años en que ha surgido del Roble Eterno como un parangón entre los Elfos.

Sabio o loco, noble o embrujado, cada encarnación de Orión debe terminar de la misma manera, en las llamas de la hoguera del solsticio de invierno. Es por ello que el elegido debe ser fuerte de voluntad ya que debe luchar con el espíritu de Kurnous y dominar a los otros espíritus en su alma porque si no perderá la cordura Es una carga pesada y una que crece a cada ario que pasa, porque cada ciclo de renacimiento añade una nueva voz al coro. Por tanto arde en su propia pira funeraria cada invierno, sólo para renacer a la vida el primer día de primavera y alcanzar la cima de su poder en el solsticio de verano.

Each year, on the eve of the vernal equinox, the Wild Riders select a young prince who will bear the mantle of Orion for the coming year.

La primera de ellas es Anath Raema, la Cazadora Salvaje. Before long, Dwarfs marched upon Athel Loren once more. Though they strove with all the stubbornness of their race, they eventually broke and ran, leaving the mountainside heavy with their dead. Mide más de tres metros de altura y su ágil cuerpo verdoso siempre está lleno de cólera. The year was VI, 278. Emboldened by Adanhu’s words, the Elves prepared their plans anew. Orion, known by many titles such as the King in the Woods or the Master of the Wild Hunt,[2a] is the everlasting Lord of Athel Loren and co-ruler of the Wood Elven race. En ocasiones, un elegido vacilará en su propósito y en esos años el poder sin límites de Orión está en poder de una mente astillada y díscola. On those occasions when Orion is reborn with a shadowed soul, there is only one consolation, just as there is one final unavoidable woe in those years when he emerges from the Oak of Ages as a paragon of Elvenkind. Such is the reason that the chosen one must be strong of will, for he must strive with the spirit of Kurnous and dominate the other spirits in his if he is not to be driven mad. In fact, some of the more ambitious lords see the time of the choosing as having the potential for a double victory, that of basking in the reflected glory of a relative’s selection, and of no longer having to compete with that relative for further honours. No es sólo la intriga mortal la que debe vigilarse, ya que muchos dioses que estarían encantados de inmiscuirse en el acto de renacimiento de Orión. El trasfondo que puedes leer en esta sección o artículo se basa en la serie de libros de campaña y novelas de El Fin de los Tiempos, que recientemente ha sustituido la línea argumental de La Tormenta del Caos, El contenido de la comunidad está disponible bajo.

He was the bravest and most handsome of his folk as Ariel was the wisest and fairest of hers. Los Elfos Silvanos rara vez hablan de esas estaciones en las que el corazón de Orión está dividido y simplemente los llaman los "años oscuros" con la promesa de no dejar que esos momentos se vuelvan a repetir.

Ve a la cesta para obtener más información. The Elves prepared their last stand before the Oak of Ages. Pocos Elfos admitiría tal sentimiento en voz alta, por supuesto, porque la sociedad de Athel Loren se considera por encima de esas intrigas pero la verdad del asunto radica en saber cómo buscarlo.

Whilst the council debated how best to oppose the Dwarfs, Ariel and Orion were deep in a conversation of their own, seemingly oblivious to the great matters that were discussed around them. This time they came in a throng many tens of thousands strong, with warriors drawn from dozens of holds. Este elegido es conducido al Roble Eterno y queda al cuidado de Ariel.

Ejércitos Warhammer: Elfos Silvanos (6ª Edición). Aunque la personalidad del Dios Cazador ha sido erosionada por el continuo ciclo de muerte y renacimiento, su legado de poder primario y la sabiduría divina está más allá del reconocimiento mortal.

Another great council was swiftly called, and all the lords and ladies of the forest knelt in worship to Ariel and Orion, now and forever the Queen and King in the Woods.

Orión es el rey consorte de Athel Loren, un ser inmortal, aunque su existencia está unida irrevocablemente a las estaciones. Little by little, Athel Loren fell to the invaders.

Thus does he pass willingly into his own funeral pyre each Midwinter, only to be reborn into thunderous life on the first day of Spring. The Elves fought with all their might under skies stained with the ashes of living wood, but the Orcs were too many and their forest spirit allies addled by intense cold. Worse, the seers had determined that the Dwarfs were but the lesser of two nascent threats — a great horde of Greenskins was but a few days from launching their own assault.

Orion, king of the Wild Hunt Orion is the consort-king of Athel Loren and the living avatar of Kurnous. He pledged that the spirits of the forest would fight alongside them if only the battle was brought before winter came. Ahorra con nuestra opción de envío gratis. In an orgy of destruction, the Orcs built great pyres in order to warm their calloused hides. Next day, the great host of Athel Loren brought the Dwarfs to battle. Kurnous es la voz más fuerte de todas y el único que puede suplantar activamente los deseos del elegido. Whilst Ariel and Isha have long been one and the same, their desires merged into a single whole, Orion’s personality is a melding not only of Kurnous and the chosen one, but of every Elf who has borne the mantle of kingship since the very beginning. The Orion Gunship is a type of aircraft used by the Custodian Guard during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. ORION DE METAL WOODELVES ELFOS SILVANOS SYLVANETH PRO PAINTED WARHAMMER AOS Newly awakened Dryads swarmed in his wake, eager to bestow their cruel mercies.

On the following morning, the chosen one emerges from the Oak’s embrace, a mortal Elf no longer, but reborn as Orion, god-king of Athel Loren.

Allí, se obra el milagro del renacimiento, esculpiendo de nuevo a su marido perdido a partir de la carne del elegido y el espíritu de Kurnous. The Wood Elves speak seldom of those seasons when Orion’s heart is divided; they simply refer to them as the ‘dark years’ and pledge anew never to let such times occur again. Sin embargo, el fuego de Orión no arde durante mucho tiempo, pues al llegar el invierno se apaga una vez más hasta la primavera próxima.

Each year, on the eve of the vernal equinox, the Wild Riders selects a young prince who will bear the mantle of Orion for the coming year.

The snows were in retreat and blood-red blossoms had pushed through the hard ground.
Se trata de un ser cuya majestuosidad y vigor resultan terroríficos. The cold only hastened the Greenskins onset. A veces, ofrecen consejos, otras amonestan y reprenden.

Taking up his mighty weapons of war, he winds his great horn and calls Athel Loren to the Wild Hunt. Few Elves would admit to such a sentiment out loud, of course, because Athel Loren society considers itself to aspire to better than such intrigues, but the truth of the matter lies plain behind many eyes, if one knows only how to look for it. [1b], There, she works the miracle of rebirth, sculpting her lost husband anew from the chosen one’s flesh and Kurnous’ spirit.