zapatista territory

within three years the National Guard is slated to be active in 266 Here, the people command, and the government obeys.” (Ryan Mallett-Outtrim) By Ryan Mallett-Outtrim. the National Guard is of civil and police nature. And I think also in relation to the media work that they did, which led the now dead Subcomandante Marcos calling essentially for the creation of Indian media, to support our movements in the One No throughout the Americas. De Andere Campagne wist minder media-aandacht te trekken dan de eerdere tours, en er zijn meldingen van indianen die het door de zapatisten gecontroleerde gebied verlaten om zich weer in het door de Mexicaanse overheid gecontroleerde gebied te vestigen. “The inhabitants of the United States of Mexico have the right to a Maria: That was La Hidra Capitalista, or The Capitalist Hydra, by the Originales de San Andres, a Zapatista corrido band from the highlands of Chiapas. Patreon offers a user-friendly alternative, allowing readers to pledge a monthly contribution and set their own amount — from each according to their ability!

With this drug war that has killed tens of thousands of people, as Dawn Paley calls it in her book Drug War Capitalism, so Zapatistas call this the Fourth World War. Global challenges, grassroots perspectives, revolutionary horizons. Beside the sale of back issues, our Patreon account is currently our only source of income, meaning we depend entirely on the solidarity of our readers to keep the publication going. Sommigen beschouwden dit als een steunbetuiging aan de Baskische afscheidingsbeweging Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA), iets wat Marcos ontkende. Original music by Bad Infinity. And the EZLN responding with saying “well the women here will take their own pace”. Edited and illustrated to perfection by the ROAR collective. The latter interpretation seems to be closer to the truth, since the Zapatistas clearly have not abandoned the construction of their autonomous self-governance — on the contrary, they are now expanding it, both in social and organizational terms. So that was one of the questions. De zapatisten waren specifiek een van de inspiratiebronnen voor de Italiaanse Tute Bianche, die meermalen Chiapas bezochten. David Langstaff: I’m David Langstaff, here with co-producers Andres, Catalina Rios, and Kaif Syed. Especially considering the poor quality of the alcohol available in indigenous communities and the health problems linked to it. efforts to establish peace—all for the good of the nation of Only 16 correspond to the Federal Lieutenant Colonel Edilberto Jasso Godoy, Infantry Colonel Rodolfo Comitán de Domínguez the officer is Cavalry Colonel Carlos Alberto Like the River Rouge, and plants in Detroit and other places. This historical development did not occur in a socio-political vacuum. Verder heeft een zapatistenelftal in 2005 een voetbalwedstrijd gespeeld tegen Inter Milan. Its Junta de Buen Gobierno/Good Government Council is called: Corazón de nuestras vidas para el nuevo futuro (Heart of our lives for the new future). Hij beschuldigt de beweging van het maken van theater en verwijt het Marcos te veel te spreken over oorlog. Its organizational center is in ejido Santa María. deployment throughout the entire national territory. liaison officer is Infantry Colonel Vicente Dimayuga Canales; in charge of “recovering” every region of the country for the Can you describe your experience of the impacts you see women making in the movement for liberation in the Zapatista movement? They call it the “Fourth World War”. Official municipality of Amatenango del Valle. South Atlantic Quarterly De partijen keerden in april terug naar de onderhandelingstafel, maar een overeenkomst werd aanvankelijk niet bereikt. Alejo Stark: I would just add one last thing, that I think the news hasn’t really made it here. Particularly in the US, but increasingly globally.
despite the fact that in the exact same document, rates of crime in Moreover, for the past months Zapatista communities have been closed to outsiders, and even the few communities that were open to Human Rights Observers in the past have been closed for some time now. David Langstaff: And hopefully we’ll get more into some of the trajectory of the Zapatistas, and of Zapatismo, and resist this narrative that neither are any longer relevant to contemporary struggle.

repente aparece, la hidra sin llenadera, Al bostezar esa hidra, suelta un veneno sopla He is the author of Political Strategies and Social Movements in Latin America: The Zapatistas and Bolivian Cocaleros (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019).
Details of how that can be done will follow in an upcoming communiqué, as promised by Subcomandante Insurgente Moisès. To me, it is key, thinking about the long term struggle. And then within Xicano youth organizing, came to understand that the EZLN was impactful for all of us, and really helped to reframe some of the questions that we had in relation to radical organizing and movements for autonomy that were happening. transition establish that the National Guard’s troops will be drawn [5] De meeste plaatsen werden door de zapatisten zonder slag of stoot verlaten, maar vooral bij Ocosingo en San Cristóbal braken gevechten uit tussen het EZLN en het leger. Zijn echte identiteit is niet bekend omdat hij altijd een masker draagt, maar volgens de Mexicaanse regering is hij Rafael Guillén. – Duke University Press. Twelve narco-trafficking. [19] De zapatistas voeren in het door hen bestuurde deel van Chiapas een stringent antidrugsbeleid.

But the real news was announced in a communiqué signed by Subcomandante Insurgente Moisès, published on August 17: the Zapatistas have created seven new caracoles and four new Autonomous Municipalities (MAREZ)! In addition, the Zapatistas, with Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano’s new communiqués, take position on the frontlines of the struggle against climate change, which is a struggle against capitalism: Nature is an elastic wall that multiplies the velocity of the stones we throw at it. ROAR depends entirely on the support of its readers to be able to continue publishing. Een groot aantal EZLN-aanhangers vluchtte de wildernis in. a Maria: Yeah, the first encuentro that I went to in 2008, “The Encuentro of Zapatista Women and the Women of the World”, that was important because Zapatismo has been strongly influenced by the women’s struggle, from the beginning. In this episode we speak with two of our fellow co-producers about their recent trip to autonomous Zapatista communities in the highlands of the Mexican southeast.