pa small water and sewer grant 2020

Improvements recommended by LTAP programs such as the Local Safe Roads Communities and Walkable Communities are also eligible. Eligible organizations may apply for grant funding for facilities, equipment, debt reduction, and training. The application period is closed. Dems Plan Vote On $2.2T Virus Aid Package: BLOG, 6th Annual Miles For Mutts Virtual 5K presented by TLC Rescue, Dr. Cheryl Chase - EF: Teachers and Parents: Goals and Roles, 5 West Chester Area Open Houses To Scope Out, Election Profile: PA Sen. Carolyn Comitta Seeks Re-Election, Election Profile: Kevin Runey Seeks PA Senate Seat In District 19, West Chester Area Schools To Open In Hybrid Plan, After 6-3 Vote, Shusterman Invites Area Veterans To Free Drive-Thru Lunch. Overview.

Businesses conducting manufacturing or production operations related to alternative and clean energy projects in Pennsylvania are also eligible. Applicants can request funds for retroactive costs, working capital. All-Terrain Vehicle and Snowmobile Grants

Program guidelines and application instructions are available. For more information, click here. For more information, click here. Green Light-Go Traffic Signal Enhancement Program Interested applicants with questions may contact the Energy Programs Office at or 717-783-8411. Pre-application conferences with. Examples of eligible enviro-education projects include educating participants on climate change adaptation or the impact of emissions on public health, offering training on the DEP permitting process, connecting city residents to nature, and instruction on reducing abandoned mine drainage or non-point-source water pollution from fertilizers.

Applications are accepted between Feb. 1 and May 31 each year. © 2020 Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs. DCNR has dedicated money to fund mitigation within Firewise Communities through Northeastern Area Hazard Mitigation Federal Assistance Funding. The Peer program funds projects that, through a collaborative process, focus on a specific need identified by the grantee and its partners. The grant is a matching grant, with the recipient providing 50 percent or more of the project costs. Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) Applications will be accepted any time after the grant opening date of August 17 until the application deadline of October 2, 2020 at 4 p.m. All applications must be submitted online through DCED’s Electronic Single Application (ESA) system at Municipal applications for the Green Light-Go Program require a 20 percent match using municipal or private funds. Applications are accepted between Feb. 1 and May 31 each year.

The application period is closed. West Chester Gets $208K Grant To Improve Sewer Pipes - West Chester, PA - The grant will allow for significant improvements to the borough's sanitary sewer pipe system. Section 904 Municipal Recycling Program Performance Grants The application period is closed. Social distance --------

Eligible activities include street outreach, shelter, rapid rehousing and homelessness prevention.

You can search these by hitting "Control" and "F" on your keyboard and entering a search word or phrase. Keystone Communities Program (KCP) The Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority (PEDA) is pleased to announce the opening of an opportunity to apply for a PEDA Restart Grant. These may include, but are not limited to, programs to reduce homelessness; programs to make housing available to people on low and moderate incomes; mortgage or rental assistance programs; and housing counseling and foreclosure assistance programs, among many other possibilities. PHMC is requiring all prospective grantees to consult with the Community Preservation Coordinator for their region PRIOR to submitting a CLG grant application. Sewage Facilities Grant Program Fire Company, Volunteer Ambulance Service Grant Program Lyndsay Kensinger, Governor’s Office, West Goshen Sewer Authority: $410,896 PA Small Water and Sewer Program funding. Learn more, Community water systems and non-profit, non-community water systems that serve a tribal population are eligible to have projects funded, in whole or in part, with DWIG-TSA funds. For more information, click here.

For more information, contact Karen Arnold at, Legislative Priorities & Resolutions Process, Municipal Employee Drug & Alcohol Testing (DOT & Non-DOT), The Employment Alliance of Municipalities (TEAM), 2020 Wage & Salary Survey Report of Findings, Newly Elected Municipal Officials Training, PSAB Plus Membership Training Subscription Program, Training Discount Program for Non-Boroughs, PA Municipal Planning Education Institute (PMPEI), Webinar: Winter Maintenance Best Practices - Noon. Funds may be used to support events related to the above programs, and the development of marketing, advertising, and public relations campaigns.

The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) is accepting applications for Keystone Historic Preservation Grants. Interested in doing business in Pennsylvania? How may the funds be used?

WIIN addresses, supports and improves America's drinking water infrastructure. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Contact Us to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem. For more information, click here.

The Marketing to Attract Tourists Program, through the PA Department of Community and Economic Development, provides funding to support and develop programs to support international tourism, sports marketing, outdoor recreation, and cultural attractions. PA Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement Fund Grant Stay home when feeling sick Drinking Water Infrastructure Grant - Tribal Set-Aside (DWIG-TSA) Program. General grants of up to $25,000 will be awarded to larger, one-year, regional or statewide initiatives.

For more information, click here. Pennsylvania FAST Act Corridor Infrastructure Grant Program These projects involve the rehabilitation and development of public parks, recreation facilities, greenways and river conservation projects. The purpose of the grant is to prevent, control and suppress fires which threaten human life, livestock, wildlife, crops, pastures, orchards, woodlands, farmsteads, or other improvements in rural areas.

Funding for small systems can come from a variety of sources. West Goshen Sewer Authority: $500,000 H20 PA – Water Supply, Sewer and Stormwater funding. Funds may be used for the development, rehabilitation and enhancement of transportation assets to existing communities, streetscape, lighting, sidewalk enhancement, pedestrian safety, connectivity of transportation assets, and transit-oriented development.

The Local Law Enforcement Grant Program’s Guidelines and Application are available on Eligible activities include public education and training, planning, shared services, design guidelines, and reuse studies. The intent of this program is to fund worthwhile, relatively low- cost projects that improve the safety and mobility of the traveling public. This is a cost-share program. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. The application period is closed. Watch Exploring PA Boroughs on PCN - 7:30 p.m. This grant can also help with costs associated with regionalization (when two or more municipalities join forces to create a single water/wastewater authority).

For more information or to apply, click here. The basin improvement project will be funded by grants from a multitude of sources. Additional guidance and information can be found on the Department's Traffic Signal Resource Portal here.

This could include pump station upgrades, small water or sewer main replacements and other relatively small undertakings. Also, provides accessible modifications for the homes of persons with physical disabilities. The program designates and funds communities that are implementing Main Street, Elm Street, Enterprise Zone efforts or other community development efforts by supporting physical improvements to designated and/or other communities that are undertaking revitalization activities within the community. The application period is closed. The authority plans to install a 3,000-gallon storage tank, five chemical feed metering pumps, and associated piping to convey caustic soda solution in the four SBR tanks at the RCSTP as an alternative to the manual feed process. 343, as amended (The Fiscal Code) the sum of $40,000,000 was made available to the Commonwealth Financing Authority (the … Wolf.

Grant applications must be submitted online through the Department of Community and Economic Development's Electronic Single Application website, eGrants, at Application period is closed. The Volunteer Loan Assistance Program (VLAP) provides low interest loans to volunteer fire companies, ambulance services, and rescue squads for the purpose of purchasing and modernizing apparatus, facilities, and equipment. Pursuant to Article XVII-A, § 1774.1-A, of the Act of April 9, 1929, P.L. For more information, click here. For more information, visit the Office of the State Fire Commissioner's, The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) is accepting applications for Keystone Historic Preservation Grants. Both municipalities and non-profit organizations are eligible.

PA Department of Community and Economic Development. The application period is closed. “This vital grant program allows for costly but necessary water infrastructure improvements that would otherwise be unfeasible to smaller Pennsylvania communities,” said Gov.

Community water systems and non-profit, non-community water systems that serve a tribal population are eligible to have projects funded, in whole or in part, with DWIG-TSA funds. The Historic & Archival Records Care Grant Program provides funding for historical records repositories such as historical societies, libraries, universities, local governments, and school districts for collections care, including surveying, inventorying, preserving, arranging, and describing historical records significant to PA. For more information, click here. The PA Department of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries, is accepting applications for the Keystone Grants for Public Library Facilities. The mission of the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) is to foster opportunities for businesses to grow and for communities to succeed and thrive in a global economy. These grant programs fund projects that help municipalities, counties, multi-municipal partnerships, and council of governments to increase local capacity for recreation, parks, and conservation. TreeVitalize Learn more, The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) program is a federal-state partnership to help ensure safe drinking water.

Automated Red-Light Enforcement Transportation Enhancement Grants Program

The maximum grant is $7,500 ($15,000 total project) per fire company.

Keystone Grants for Public Libraries TreeVitalize is a public-private partnership to help restore tree cover in Pennsylvania's metropolitan areas. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Learn more about grants authorized under the WIIN Act, programs that provide low interest loans and grants. All Rights Reserved. DCNR's Bureau of Recreation and Conservation announces the fall grant round for projects proposing land acquisition, planning, development, rehabilitation, maintenance, equipment purchase or educational programs for all-terrain vehicle (ATV) or snowmobile trails and facilities. For more information, contact Karen Arnold at kaarnold@pa.govor 717-783-9927. These corridors include specific sections of interstates I-76, I-276, I-376, I-476, I-79, I-90, I-95, I-80, I-70, I-78, I-81, I-83, I-84 and US-30.

CFA Multimodal Fund