pukapuka population

Therefore, it’s best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publication’s requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html. From an anthropological perspective, such ambiguity provides a degree of flexibility in adjusting land/population ratios to meet various contingencies. Pukapuka was Formally "discovered" by the West when Spanish explorers Alvaro de Mendaña and Pedro Quiros sighted the atoll in 1595. While its closest relations are with Tokelauan and Samoan, it also shares linguistic features with languages of Eastern Polynesia. Matrilineal groupings were subsumed under two overarching moieties (wua ). Being reduced to a child's share in village food divisions (wakatamaliki ) is perhaps the most serious punishment outside of the rare jail sentence. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. Social Organization. W 1901 atol wraz z całymi Wyspami Cooka został przekazany Nowej Zelandii. (noun) lungs.

Prevailing winds are from the east and southeast during May through October, from the north and northwest during November through April. But today only a slight tendency to continue this practice exists—primarily within Loto and secondarily within Ngake. At various times villages may decide to hold other feasts. Pukapuka – atol wchodzący w skład Północnych Wysp Cooka, należący administracyjnie do terytorium zależnego Nowej Zelandii – Wyspy Cooka.Atol stanowi jednocześnie jednostkę administracyjną o takiej samej nazwie.

In 1974, Julia Hecht counted approximately 600 Pukapukans in New Zealand (mostly in the Auckland area) and another 200 in Rarotonga. While Pukapukans report that no dogs previously existed on the island (and indeed, there is no traditional word for them), archaeologists discovered dog bones from a site on the atoll dated at 2310 B.P. Don't already have an Oxford Academic account? Tokelauans obtain a much higher percentage of energy from coconut than the Pukapukans, 63% compared with 34%, so their intake of saturated fat is higher. Division of labor is based on sex and age. Please check your email address / username and password and try again.

The Book of Pukapuka. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin no. The singing of modern songs is common among the younger generation. Along with a more traditional "Council of Important People" (in native terms, "Kau Wowolo"), it represents the central law-making body on the island. (The following year roles are reversed—the women visit, and the men act as hosts.) Marriage.

Women tend to fish near the shore (or on the reef), plait mats, work in the taro swamp, cook, and carry out domestic chores. Identification. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Pukapukan women plait pandanus into a variety of products, especially mats.

Subsistence and Commercial Activities. The habitual diets of the atoll dwellers from both Pukapuka and Tokelau are high in saturated fat but low in dietary cholesterol and sucrose.

The total land area of the atoll is approximately 500 hectares; its highest point is 12 meters. Making History: Pukapukan and Anthropological Constructions of Knowledge.

Retrieved October 01, 2020 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/pukapuka. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. It subsequently rebuilt itself, but following raids by blackbirders and an epidemic during the latter half of the nineteenth century, the population again dropped, this time to around 300. Today, dwellers on the atoll refer to themselves as "Pukapukan," though the name appears to lack a specific meaning in the indigenous language. Since then, it has increased steadily, reaching 505 in 1902, 651 in 1936, and 732 in 1971. The most significant islandwide ceremony today is Christmas. The major art forms today are chanting, dancing, building canoes, plaiting, and singing. Along with traditional Christian beliefs, there exists a belief in ghosts who are perceived as causing a variety of maladies. ." Reflecting a relaxed attitude toward sex, it is not uncommon for couples to live together in informal unions, though if these unions endure formal marriage usually occurs eventually. Formal adoption (tama kokoti ) involves about 20 percent of the population; fosterage (tama wangai ) involves 8 percent. It is important to note that social membership in a village overlaps but is not coterminous with geographic residence.

Encyclopedia of World Cultures. Today burial-site affiliation is based on cognatic ties to a deceased relation.

They involve more than half of the atoll's landmass. Ngake had two patrilineages, Loto three, and Yato three.

See population estimates, location, and other details for Pukapuka, plus: 7,458 profiles on every other language in the world Language counts and details for every country Pukapuka is a small Polynesian atoll located among the northern atolls of the Cook Islands.

Dancing follows.

Copra exports vary widely. New dance steps are often created for special events. While parents beat their children for a variety of offenses, this practice rarely manifests itself in later adult violence. Modern groupings are now cognatic. Armed conflict occurred between various groups in precontact times, though not on a continuing basis. kms It was incorporated into the Cook Islands in 1915. I A Prior, F Davidson, C E Salmond, Z Czochanska, Cholesterol, coconuts, and diet on Polynesian atolls: a natural experiment: the Pukapuka and Tokelau Island studies, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 34, Issue 8, August 1981, Pages 1552–1561, https://doi.org/10.1093/ajcn/34.8.1552. Exploring changes in the human gut microbiota and microbial-derived metabolites in response to diets enriched in simple, refined, or unrefined carbohydrate-containing foods: a post hoc analysis of a randomized clinical trial. Also, residence within a village does not necessarily coincide with Membership (especially in Ngake village). Tokelauans obtain a much higher percentage of energy from coconut than the Pukapukans, 63% compared with 34%, so their intake of saturated fat is higher. Communication with these gods was usually through a priest. Political Organization. Conflict. Beaglehole, Ernest, and Pearl Beaglehole (1938).

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. Identification. Pukapukan is classified within the Samoic-Outlier category of Polynesian languages. It imports large amounts of sugar, rice, flour, and canned meat as well as a host of other products such as building materials, outboard motors, and benzine lanterns. Land Tenure.

For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. The atoll served as a connecting hub between West and East Polynesia – a role that is reflected in Pukapukan material culture, and language, which is Samoic with a Tokelauan influence. The island technically lies outside the "hurricane belt."

Consisting of a relatively poor soil of sand and coral gravel, vegetation is somewhat limited compared to higher Polynesian islands. Fish and taro were the traditional mainstays of the Pukapukan diet prior to Western contact. "The Culture of Gender in Pukapuka: Male, Female, and the Mayakitanga 'Sacred Maid.'" Paramount among these was the chief associated with the i Tua (the founding ancestor) patrilineage. Journal of the Polynesian Society 86:183-206. Na atolu znajduje się 9 miejscowości. In the atoll's traditional religion, a god was associated with each patrilineage. Death and Afterlife.

It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. Most users should sign in with their email address.

However, the date of retrieval is often important. Honolulu. All three groups practice a conservative form of Christianity in which the Sabbath is strictly observed. © 2019 Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. Adiposity and mortality in Korean adults: a population-based prospective cohort study, Dietary protein intake and circulating advanced glycation end product/receptor for advanced glycation end product concentrations in the Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study. Pukapuka became a British protectorate in 1892 and in 1901 New Zealand took over its administration. Major subdivisions (keinanga or momo ) existed within these. Religious Beliefs and Practitioners. Coconut is the chief source of energy for both groups. https://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/pukapuka, "Pukapuka Atol stanowi jednocześnie jednostkę administracyjną o takiej samej nazwie. : University Press of America.